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Enormous Tips for Running Amazon Advertising Successfully!

Undoubtedly, Amazon has become one of the world’s best and most massive eCommerce platforms. Since its emergence in 1994, Amazon has grown exceptionally fast. It has more than 9.5 million sellers and brands all around the world. This enormous platform has completely changed the shopping culture for all of us. Whenever customers require any specific product they simply search for it on Amazon without even giving a thought of any other platform. Customers from urban and even rural areas are also prone to shopping online. In such a manner, it has provided a great opportunity to the sellers and brands to sell their products online and generate decent revenue.

Becoming an Amazon seller is indeed a highly rewarded and low-risk business. But you should know how to play your cards to attract more and more customers and upsurge your revenue. However, Amazon has allowed sellers to use Amazon PPC (Pay per click) to expand their business enormously and effortlessly. Accurate marketing campaigns can let you reach out to more customers and convince them to buy your products. Setting up an Amazon online store could be easy but gaining exposure can take time. However, you can get that expected exposure by running Amazon campaigns. Here in this blog, we have mentioned some essential tips for running successful Amazon advertising campaigns.

What is Amazon Advertising?

On a monthly basis, more than 200 million shoppers are visiting Amazon’s websites with each passing month. It is one of the largest eCommerce ventures in the world. Hence, it makes perfect sense to get your product prominently displayed in front of all your potential customers. If we talk about how it works, well, it works similarly to other internet-based ads through a lightning-fast bidding system. Amazon advertising works on a bidding system, whenever it chooses which ad to display on a specific page, numerous ads bid against each other. Apart from budget, keywords also play an important role in running a successful Amazon advertising campaign.

These are two basics that Amazon uses to pick the ads, once your ad has been picked up, it will be displayed on Amazon’s search page. Whenever customers click on this ad you will have to pay for that. This advertising model is known as Pay-Per-Click (Ppc), Amazon advertising works on this model. You need to target it correctly and plan your advertising strategy accordingly. However, if you don’t target it correctly and customers do not click on it, Amazon will automatically lower its ranking and display other ads instead.

Five Amazing Tips For Running Amazon Advertising

According to a recent survey, it has been found that more than 80% of Amazon sellers are planning to raise their bid on Amazon advertising comparatively last year. Eventually, it means that competition is heating up, and it’s time to get aboard and take your advertising to the next level. Let’s find out how you can run successful Amazon advertising campaigns.

Upgrade Your Product Listing Accurately

If you are one of those sellers or brands who don’t consider the importance of product listing, then you are not on the right track. For your information, the entire concept of Amazon PPC campaigns is based on product page listings. Product listing must include all the relevant and top-ranked keywords per your product’s nature. You must add those keywords along with the description and product title. Apart from that, you must include high-resolution images and high-definition videos. The visuals of your product video must follow Amazon’s guidelines, and the content of the video should be appropriate.

You can also use listing quality analytics tools such as etraKY BS to make this process accurate and successful. However, numerous sellers don’t believe it is necessary to upgrade their listings at times. Moreover, you can use it as a keystone to run your advertisement accurately on this platform in the future.

Increase Your Brand Visibility By Sponsored Ads

You should be aware that, at Amazon, you can use three types of ads to run your Amazon advertising successfully. These are product display ads, sponsored brand ads, and sponsored product ads. If you are a new brand on Amazon, you should use sponsored brand ads because it is one of the best types of Amazon advertising. It will make your brand recognizable among potential customers. Sponsored brand ads can make your products appear on the first page of Amazon. It will not only improve your products’ performance on individual listings but also attract customers’ attention to your brand. Sponsored brand ads help increase the brand awareness among the targeted audience and upsurge your brand visibility.

Run Manual and Automated Campaigns Together

First of all, you need to understand what automated and manual ads are. Automated ads are where Amazon decides when to display your product ad based on the keywords identified from the product description, title, and other aspects of your listing. On the other hand, manual advertising is all about defining the keywords and the bid rates in manual campaigns by sellers. Manual ads run depending on the keyword that matches your products.


The automated ads are much easier to run your Amazon advertising, especially if this is your first-ever time running an ad campaign. Along with it, you can still run usual manual campaigns occasionally. Automated ads can provide you with a bunch of information in finding keywords to run manual ads.


On the other hand, manual campaigns allow you to classify which keywords you need to target and bid on. In this way, you can enhance targeting others with higher conversion rates, as you have the deciding ability to bid per keyword. You can run automated ads with the help of relevant keywords you would like to spot first to ease yourself into it. It can help regulate which keywords are converting and use them to launch your next manual campaign. In such a way, you can use automated campaigns to find the top-ranked keywords while manual campaigns upsurge your reach and conversion rate.

Do Not Overuse Negative or Exact keywords.

To run a successful Amazon ad campaign, you must avoid adding too many negative keywords in your manual or automated campaigns. It can negatively impact the terms of your product ranking. Instead, you should reserve the negative keywords match options either at the ad group or campaign level for search terms that are unrelated to your products or yield little to no sales.


Enhance Your Keywords Wisely

To run an Amazon advertising campaign successfully, you must review and upgrade your keywords at least once a week and segregate which are the most effective ones. However, it is also crucial that you don’t make a hasty decision to change your keyword strategy on the basis of the most recent data. You must understand the fact that keywords are subject to change on a timely basis. For example, if you believe that keywords are not performing well, you can add them to your ad campaigns.

But don’t make insane decisions and start enhancing your keywords based on two-week performance. Instead, you can use automatic targeting to find out what keywords your customers have been using recently and then add the new keywords. In case your keywords are performing well, you can twist your product descriptions to match and emphasize your ads to match the new search queries and drop those terms that aren’t performing well.


Thus, in such a way, you can improve your Amazon advertising; it can be an essential part of your eCommerce advertising strategy. Because of the popularity of Amazon, generating sales on this platform is not only a requirement for sellers but also a must for expanding your business. Running Amazon advertising campaigns can surely increase your product visibility and help you reach your potential customers.

It is one of the best ways to sell your products thoroughly on Amazon and make your brand a profitable affair. In this regard, you can also take the help of some of the brand analytics tools such as etraKY BS. It can help you in enhancing your product listing quality and thus help you with running a successful Amazon advertising campaign.

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