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<h1>eCommerce News</h1>

Startling Ways to Automate Your eCommerce Business in 2022!

To start an eCommerce business in a full-fledged manner, it is essential to implement automation with it. Every aspect of online business should be handled effectively. There are multiple tasks that you need to handle on a daily basis if you are in the process of establishing your eCommerce brand or have already started your journey. Managing stocks, payments, maintaining pricing across channels, implementing accurate product listing, etc., can not be done effectively without automation. It may require a lot of time and effort to manage all these aspects of this massive industry if you think you can do it manually or in a traditional way.

It doesn’t matter how hard you work to make your brand stand out in this competitive world. All that matters is how effectively you are executing every step and how well you are serving your customers. During the expansion of your business, you may experience the need for automation automatically. Without taking the help of automation, the rapid growth of your business might get stuck. It will help if you are assured that you are selling the right products and efficiently fulfilling the customer’s demand. In this blog, you will learn about multiple startling ways to automate your eCommerce business and its requirements.

Why Do You Need to Automate Your Online Business

Since we entered the compelling world of digitalization, customer expectations have become higher than ever before. They want everything in an appropriate and well-managed manner. Automation is the need of this hour to provide dynamic customer service and manage your business efficiently. Today, various software available in the market has compelling automation capabilities to enhance every aspect of your online business. Let’s concentrate on some of the astonishing ways to provide automation to your eCommerce business.

Spectacular Ways to Automate Your eCommerce Business


Manage Your Reviews & Feedback

As an eCommerce brand, you must know the importance of reviews and feedback. It has the capabilities to make or break your entire business. While shopping for any online products, more than 65% of customers rely on online reviews. If they find that your products contain various positive reviews, they can buy the product in one go. On the other hand, even if you are selling a great quality product, but you do not have positive reviews or there are no reviews at all, it can drastically affect the shopping decision of customers.

To escape such a situation, you need to encourage your customers to leave their valuable feedback after making a purchase. In this regard, you should send them emails and messages from various mediums. But the most critical factor is whether you are managing your reviews or not. Take it straight; you can not manage your reviews without automation. An analytical software such as etraKY BS with the review management feature along with various other features can help you with it. It can manage all reviews in a single dashboard and let you concentrate on each feedback. To know more about the review management system, you can click on this link.

Keep an Eye on Your Stocks

Traditionally managing your stocks can put you in the situation of Oos (out-of-stock), and such a situation can disappoint your customers and may weaken their trust in your brand. But on the other hand, if you implement automation to this aspect of your business, you can not only generate ultimate revenue but also build a solid customer base. Several software in the market works as a stock availability monitoring tool. It works as a watchdog and keeps track of your stocks effectively, and such software sends you a notification every time a product gets out of stock or back in stock.

In this way, you can keep your stock updated and can provide a pleasant shopping experience to your customers. Such automation is necessary to stay competitive in the market because once a customer experiences the Oos situation, they can quickly switch to your competitors.

Re-Target The Abandoned Cart Customers

According to the latest survey, approximately 72% of shopping carts get abandoned by customers because of various reasons. However, by taking the help of automated software, you can re-target those customers to come back and complete the checkout process. There is multiple powerful software available in the market that automatically reminds the customers about their abandoned carts. In this process, all you must do is integrate your ERP system with such software that can automatically send emails regarding the abandoned carts to every customer. Sending manual emails to every customer is a time taking process, so it’s better to take the help of automation.

Analyze the Every Move of Your Competitor

In the process of generating tremendous sales and building a vast customer base, you must keep an eye on every move of your competitors. It can affect your business if you do not analyze their strategy and offer something more specific to your customers in comparison to your competitors. But how will you do that? It is pretty tough to know every move of your competitors without taking the help of any robust competitor tracking tool. Such software can work effectively and provide accurate results by analyzing every move of your competitors. This kind of automation can effectively let your business survive in this fiercely competitive era of eCommerce. Apart from that, such automation can also help you stay competitive and intensify your overall business growth.

Accurate Product Listing

As a brand or seller, you need to list your products on multiple eCommerce platforms before you start selling them. You need automation to execute this process successfully by adding high-resolution images, elaborative descriptions, and engaging product titles and videos to your product page. You should do this part of the eCommerce business appropriately because it lets your product appear in the search results on multiple platforms. Adding relevant or top searched keywords with descriptions and titles is required to make your products searchable.

However, we are all human, and we are prone to make mistakes, but a single mistake regarding the listing process can have an adverse effect on your online brand. However, with the help of listing quality analytics software, you can execute this aspect accurately. Such software can notify you whenever a listing goes incorrect or requires any enhancement.


Thus, these are some of the fundamental reasons why you need to automate your eCommerce business and how you can automate it. In today’s world, speed matters a lot; none of the businesses can survive for a longer time without automation. This scenario is not only in the eCommerce industry but also in other industries. Automation is the only way to help your business expand and flourish to meet the deadline and serve your customers dynamically. Customers prefer online shopping because they can buy almost anything sitting in their comfort zone.

They want their order delivered to their doorstep as quickly as possible. To meet such expectations of your valuable customers, you need automation in your online business. As mentioned above, various software available today can automate the various aspects of your business.

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Enjoy your Freedom Power by Implementing Top 6 Strategies!

This Independence Day, along with enjoying the grace of Freedom, do your part to enhance your online presence and attain the equivalent Freedom in online business. As we all know, Independence day is at the door, and it is time to celebrate this day by upscaling your eCommerce business to the next level. In the past two years, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this special day has been celebrated virtually. Still, when the situation is much in control, and people are partially in relaxation mode, it is a special year for all of us to celebrate the glory of our Freedom.

As an eCommerce seller or brand, you can also prepare your online store to make the most of this occasion. Amid Independence celebrations, just by implementing a few excellent tactics, you can attain astounding benefits. A bunch of upcoming Independence sales is knocking on the door on various marketplaces. So, it can be an excellent opportunity for you as well to make the most of this patriotic holiday. In this blog, we will mention some compelling tactics you can use to thrive your sales during upcoming Independence Day celebrations.

Six Rewarding Strategies to Let Your Online Business Thrive


Sell Products That Defines the Freedom

Believe it or not but during Independence, the feeling of patriotism is at its peak, and customers embrace each and every aspect of Freedom. During this period of time, several accessories and products that define our Freedom acquire maximum chances to be sold out on marketplaces. Thus as a seller or a brand, it can be an excellent opportunity for you to sell several products such as tricolor bands, apparel, badges, mobile covers, cushions, and tricolor ethnic clothes for men women, and children. According to recent research, it has been found that the demand for such products increases during these occasions every year. Thus, an online business can also make the most of this opportunity and increase their sales immensely.

However, you can face fierce competition during this time, so to keep your products visible to your customers, you need to implement a practical listing quality analysis. In this regard, you can use etraKY BS to make your listing effective and efficient in terms of attaining maximum sales.

Announce an Online Freedom Contest

During the Independence Day Sale, as a brand or a seller, you can run an online contest for your potential customers by using various social media platforms. It can be a mind-blowing idea to snowball your sales and power up your eCommerce brand. An engaging contest to grab various products at discounted prices can capture the attention of numerous customers and encourage them to participate. You can ask multiple Independence day related questions through your social media pages and offer them eye-catching rewards. You can initiate a registration process to be a part of your contest. Some of you may not find it relevant but understand that customers always find it alluring to get an attractive product as a reward at a minimum price. Take a chance and try your luck; it can be a profitable affair if you run such a contest with full enthusiasm and efficiency.

Reinforce Your Listing Quality

As an eCommerce brand, all your selling tactics can work when your products appear in the search results on various marketplaces. In this regard, you must add relevant keywords in your product’s description and title while listing it on eCommerce sites. A captivating strategy to reinforce your product listing quality can help your products become searchable for your existing and potential customers. Especially keywords have the immense potential to let your products appear in the search results. For instance, if you plan to sell tricolor phone covers, you can add Freedom, tricolor, phone covers, etc., as your relevant keywords.

If you think adding keywords is a complicated process, believe me, it’s not; you just have to analyze and think from your customer’s perspective. Collect your thoughts and think again that if a customer wants a tri-color product for the Independence day celebration, what words will they search for? This practice can let you attain your goal; on the other hand, and you can also take the help of a listing quality analytics software such as etraKY BS; it can guide you through adding getting accurate product descriptions and titles. You should also add high-resolution images of your products to enhance your listing quality.


Run Social Media Promotions

Social media is a great platform to run your promotions and share deals with your customers on any holiday, whether it is Independence Day or any other day. To gain benefits from this freedom festival, you need to apply some marketing tactics to promote your products rapidly on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, etc. Try to boost up the patriotic feeling in the customers by making them remember what the contribution of our great revolutionaries in the freedom fights was. Add this emotion to your product and then run your promotions to attract millions of eyes.

You can share a strong brand message related to Independence day on social media platforms. Attracting eyes can be complicated sometimes, but if your promotions can hit the heart of the customers, you can get success as well. Always remember that Freedom is an emotion for Indians, and there is a big chance that they will turn up to such promotions and contribute their share to hike up your sales.

Power Up Your Marketing Strategy

Before anything else, you must make a solid marketing plan to inform your customers about Independence Day’s upcoming offers, discounts, and contests. Being in the eCommerce industry, it’s never too late to start promoting your products through various promotional emails, social media posts, campaigns, etc. Determine one time, collect your assets, select your targeted audience and shoot the promotional emails at least two or three days before you start your Independence day flash sale. It is better to start early to stand out from the competition and make it a successful marketing strategy for your eCommerce business. As Independence day is around the corner, you need to plan every aspect of your marketing strategy step by step.

Check Your Stock Availability

It is an essential factor for eCommerce businesses before you implement any promotions and campaigns amid Independence day. Any product you are going to sell should be available in your stock effectively during the sale period. Suppose a customer wants to buy any specific product, but at the same time, it shows that the product is out of stock, which can affect your overall brand image. The out-of-stock situation can let you lose both your potential and your existing customers. Eventually, it can affect the growth of your online business by limiting your revenue. To always keep an eye on your stocks, you can take advantage of any stock availability software such as etraKY BS. It sends you the notification whenever a product gets out of stock or back in stock.


Hence these are some specific strategies you can use to celebrate the power of Freedom by making the most of this time. These strategies can let you attain more and more customers during this festive aura. As a brand or a seller, it can be your big chance to increase your sales and increase your customer base. Always remember that customers always want to have something unique and attractive. Offers, discounts, and contests always attract their eyes. So it is best to follow the strategies mentioned above if you want to increase your revenue and mark your presence in the marketplaces. In this regard, powerful brand-centric software like etraKY BS can help you immensely. It can let you perfectly attain all your goals.

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How to Select Wholesale Products to Sell on Amazon?

There is no doubt that the association with any business is related to generating revenue. As an online brand, your ultimate goal will be to upscale your earning potential and meet your economic goals. Whether some want to start their online business to earn their living, and some get onboard on eCommerce marketplaces just to attain additional income. Your online business journey might start with the most prominent eCommerce platform, Amazon.

In this revolutionary eCommerce market, selling wholesale products on Amazon can be a great idea to generate compelling revenue. There is a wide range of products that you can sell in a wholesale format on Amazon. This pathway can be a secure way to generate tremendous revenue if it is done effectively and efficiently. When selling wholesale products on Amazon, the key factor to consider is selecting the right product you want to sell. Now the question is, how will you select the right wholesale products to sell on Amazon? Well, this blog is the answer to most of your queries about wholesale products. Let’s find out the ways that can help you immensely in terms of choosing the right wholesale products to sell online.


What is Wholesale Selling Method on Amazon?

Selling wholesale products on Amazon is when you buy products in bulk at a discounted price from third-party manufacturers and resell those products to customers via Amazon. If you are new to this industry, selling wholesale products on Amazon can be a great way to represent your products in front of a broad customer base. At the same time, this method also requires you to buy a heavy quantity of products when compared to the traditional selling method.

Effective Tips to Choose the Best Wholesale Products to Sell on Amazon

Always Go for a High Demand Product

It doesn’t matter how you have invested in buying wholesale products to sell on Amazon, and success always depends on its demand. If the product is not in demand, you may lose money. So before anything else, you need to consider selling those products that are highly in demand on Amazon. You can select wholesale products from the Amazon bestselling category. It can be apparel, electronic items, jewelry, toys, shoes, beauty products, books, etc. You can get the list of the best-selling products from every category of Amazon and then choose the right one to bulk and sell to first-party customers. Apart from this, it will help if you study the current market trend to analyze which products are suitable for wholesale sale on this gigantic eComm platform.

Select a Lower Competitive Products

Everyone wants to sell a high-demand product, but the tactic is always to select such products that customers want to buy online but are yet not present on the marketplaces. However, the product should fall under the category of Amazon only. To sell a unique product on this platform, you can take the help of Amazon advertising features, and it can help you set yourself apart from competitors. You can either go for Amazon-sponsored ads or PPC advertising. This method can help you to attain the buy box effectively. To sell lower competitive wholesale products on Amazon, you can also implement a great listing strategy. Adding an elaborative product description, attractive product title, and high-resolution images with the involvement of relevant keywords can make your product visible to your potential customers. In this regard, listing quality analysis software such as etraKY BS can help you immensely. It can provide you with the guidance to revamp your listing as per the market standard.

Select a Profitable Product to Sell on Amazon

You may find a high-demand, less competitive product to sell on Amazon, but it’s not worth it if it can’t generate enough revenue for you. Hence, profit analysis is also crucial while selecting wholesale products to sell on this prominent eCommerce channel. To implement this tactic successfully, you can apply a robust pricing strategy that works for your product category and ensures profitability as well. Analyze the pricing strategy of your competitors or any other seller or brand who are reselling the wholesale products on Amazon. A price tracking software such as etraKY BS can help you with it. Apart from this, it will be best if you choose a much lighter and smaller product to sell as it can save your money related to shipping.

Advantages of Selling Wholesale Products on Amazon


Get Connect with Millions of Customers

As you know, Amazon is the largest eCommerce platform in India and has millions of active users. In this way, this platform offers you an immense chance to get connected with millions of customers from multiple locations. While selling wholesale products through this platform, you will be able to intensify your customer base and get an opportunity to connect with various manufacturers and brands across the country.

Intensify Your eCommerce Sale

Amazon is the leading eCommerce platform when it comes to generating online sales. According to a survey in the past few years, this eComm platform has generated approximately 175 billion dollars in sales. Thus it is crystal clear that selling wholesale products on this channel can boost your conversion rate and make it a beneficial deal for you. It can not only accelerate your sales but also help in flourishing your business more than ever.

Saves Time and Money

Time is money, and money is essential in terms of managing your eCommerce business. Amazon can save time and money with the help of its spectacular fulfillment by the Amazon(FBA) method. Investing in this advanced feature of Amazon can save the time that you may spend on choosing a fulfillment process and on third-party logistics. It can save your money from investing in unnecessary charges of any other logistic and warehousing company.

So, these were some of the effective ways to select and sell wholesale products on Amazon. Whichever method you choose to sell your products on any marketplaces, you need to take care of one thing on a priority basis: managing your stocks. A stock-out situation can break the trust of your customers and can affect your business tremendously.


Before selecting the right wholesale products to sell, you need to understand your capabilities and market tendencies. It can become a clumsy task to perform, but it can become beneficial for a long-term profit. With a great approach and planning, you can select the right product and sell it on Amazon without hassle. Keeping an eye on stocks, listing, pricing, and your competitors can be fruitful for your business. You perform all these practices accurately with the help of etraKY BS. So in terms of attaining a decent revenue, you can start selling wholesale products on Amazon within a few steps.

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Build Your Brand Loyalty By Reviews & Feedback!

In any business, whether eCommerce or any other business, customer loyalty is the leading factor responsible for your success. If you are on the way to establishing your brand or running an established eCommerce business, you must focus on building a loyal customer base. In the challenging and competitive eCommerce world where customers have millions of options in terms of buying online products, it is necessary to focus on every factor that can drive you positive reviews and feedback. Reviews can further help you attract more potential customers and help you in building a solid and loyal customer base.

In the evolving eCommerce world, customers are just an email offer or PPC ad away from bouncing to your competitor. A repetitive number of customers can also add more value to your online business in terms of generating revenue. It can cost you a few more minutes to acquire a new customer than to retain the satisfied ones you already have. But the real challenge is, how do you turn customers into loyal customers for the benefit of your online business? This blog will teach you how to build brand loyalty by producing reviews and feedback. Let’s dig in and find out the astonishing ways to do so.

Five Fantastic Ways That Can Help You in Building Brand Loyalty

In terms of building your brand loyalty, you need to understand the fact that existing customers are reasonable to market to, spend more, and make constant purchases. As an online brand, you must build loyalty among your customers. Somewhere customers do remember their experiences associated with a brand even if they don’t remember the brand’s name. Thus marketing and branding can help immensely in the struggle for a loyal customer base. But it has to be done right; the following points can help you with that.

Maintain the Consistency of Your Brand

Consistency is the most crucial factor in building online brand loyalty. Customers who frequently shop online want to have the assurance that you will deliver on the promised time, not at your own convenience. Hence your goal should be to deliver an exact order at the right time every time your customer places an order. We can’t say that it is guaranteed success, but yes, it can help you attain loyal customers. For customers’ consistent experience is essential in terms of your service and the quality of your product. To maintain consistency in order fulfillment, you can take the help of stock analysis software such as etraKY BS. It can help you accurately manage your inventory so that you won’t miss out on delivering the order to any of your customers. It helps escape the stock-out situation that can be really disappointing for your customers.

Display Your Reviews & Feedback

Reviews and feedback influence the customers to buy your products without thinking twice about it. Customers can show their love by leaving positive reviews and feedback, proving that they are loyal to you. That loyalty can be your most dynamic marketing tactic. Product description, title, images, and videos are essential in building brand loyalty and attaining customer reviews. It means you need to list your products accurately in an attractive manner. In this regard, you can take the help of listing quality analysis software such as etraKY BS. It guides you through appropriately executing listings.

Highlight Your Selling Proportion

As an online brand, you need to figure out what will set you apart from your competitors sooner rather than later. Customer reviews and feedback work as an effective adjustment tool in and of themselves. However, reviews are a powerful bonanza of ideas and terms for you that can isolate you from your competitors. You must uncover what customers are praising or complaining about your product in their reviews and make the changes accordingly. Believe it or not, customers will love that you not only listened but also took necessary actions. Ultimately it can increase your brand loyalty and help you build a loyal customer base.

Encourage Customers to Leave a Feedback

While doing online shopping, customers crave to have a conversation with their online brands and sellers. According to a survey, more than 75% of customers have this mindset that brands do not over-personalize product experiences enough to be invasive. It means driving open communication between you and customers is likely not going to make them happy. They like to hear about you from others, so it is imperative to encourage your customers to leave genuine feedback or review your product after making any purchase. More reviews can help you acquire more customers and ultimately increase your brand loyalty. Today there are various ways to communicate with your customers and ask them to leave a review. You can take the help of emails, WhatsApp messages, social media, etc.

Be Real and Reliable

One of the critical factors in building brand loyalty is getting “real” with your customers. In other words, we can say, don’t be afraid to show off the real side of your business. This means not only having a specific tone but also being able to acknowledge shout-outs because you want to do so, not necessarily because you “have” to. For example, social media is the most preferred customer service channel for most customers because it offers a candid, immediate boulevard for customers to bring up their issues. If you want to win customers’ loyalty, even in the face of a complaint or concern, you need to be authentic and real in every manner.

The Art of Creating Loyal Customers

  • First thing first, you need to listen to your customers. Listening to their demands and requirements can help you in serving them better. That is why it is always necessary to analyze the market trends and demands.
  • Always respond to their feedback so that they feel valued and keep coming back. Responding to customer reviews can help establish a robust relationship with your customers.
  • Increase the quality of your products as per their feedback and try to maintain consistency.


Hence this is how you can build your brand loyalty. Reviews and feedback are essential factors specifically in the eCommerce industry. Because customers don’t have the authority to analyze a product physically, reviews and feedback are all they have that help them make the right purchase decision. That is why you should focus more on collecting an enormous number of reviews and feedback from your customers as an online brand.

If you are the one who fails to recollect the reviews, then you must take the help of any agile review management software such as etraKY BS. It helps in managing the reviews in one place.

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Impeccable Ways to Market Online Products & Generate Revenue!

Nothing comes easy in life; it requires hard work, an inventive strategy, and, last but not least, an investment. In a fundamental way, we can say that it takes a lot to establish an independent business to generate revenue. If we talk about an eCommerce business, it doesn’t require a hefty amount to start your journey. Still, if you want to expand your business and stay competitive, you should invest in marketing and promotions to let your online brand survive.

To make your online business profitable, spending a little to make your brand popular and attract customers to your business is necessary. In the process of establishing your business robustly, firstly, you need to increase your brand awareness so that customers come to know more about your products and further buy them. In this blog, you will learn about some astonishing ways to market your online products and generate enough revenue. Do not worry because many market ways don’t require a heavy investment. With a robust strategy and investment planning, you can achieve your goal tremendously. Let’s get in and find out what marketing strategies you can apply to your online business.

Six Successful Ways to Market Your Online Products


Determine a Robust SEO Strategy

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a collection of multiple things that helps online businesses to increase their rank in the search engine. One of the most critical factors is to add relevant keywords while listing your products on various marketplaces. Keywords play an efficient role in increasing the visibility of your product and making it appear in the search results. Suppose you are selling coffee online and it is not searchable in the search engines of multiple eCommerce platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, etc.; it will automatically minimize your sales and affect your overall business. However, a listing quality analysis software such as etraKY BS can help you in this regard. This software can let you know whether you have added the right keyword in the listing or not. You must understand this if you won’t add relevant keywords to your listing, your customers will not be able to locate your products.

Take Advantage of Email-Marketing

To promote your online brand successfully, you can implement email marketing. You may have to invest a little in this process, but once you start receiving the outcome, you won’t regret your decision. It is considered one of the powerful marketing aspects and a form of direct marketing. You must send your customers catchy and attractive emails during this marketing process. In this email, you need to brief them about your products and let them know how they can benefit them. It can help you with lead generation and brand awareness and build a great relationship with your customers. This strategy can also help you engage your customers with your brand and convince them to buy your products. Email marketing can also offer your customers a discount or coupon. It provides them a personalized experience, and there is the probability that they may become your loyal customers.

Collaborate with Social Media Influencers

The definition of an influencer has been changed today; celebrities or higher officials are not only an influencer. The parameters have been changed since the rapid use of social media. One can absolutely find everything on social media today. There are bloggers, journalists, entrepreneurs, and young social media savvy that work as an influencer. You can collaborate with them to promote your brand on social media platforms. You might be thinking about how these influencers can help your brand to promote. Well, these influencers have a gigantic number of followers on social media, so collaborating with them can help your brand reach out to many potential customers. However, an influencer doesn’t take complete responsibility for increasing your sales; all they do is just the promotion of your brand. There is a higher probability that it can increase your sales somehow.


Drive Customers Through PPC Advertising

PPC refers to Pay-Per-Click; it’s an effective form of advertising that offers you an opportunity to let your brand appear in the SERP (search engine result page). Whenever a potential customer types any significant keyword that matches your product, PPC ads will pop up your product. Now whenever a customer clicks on the ad, they will get redirected to your main product page. You need to pay the amount on the basis per click. Millions of brands use this marketing strategy to promote and increase revenue. But in the end, you have to accept the fact that this strategy also doesn’t consist of a guarantee that customers will surely buy your products. It can work if you present your product in a significant way on marketplaces by including elaborative description, title, and high-resolution images. However, you can take the help of any available brand analytics tool in the market. It can help you improve the quality of your listing on multiple eCommerce platforms.

Offer Discounts & Coupons

Who doesn’t like extra discounts and exclusive offers? Well, we all do, so you can use this marketing tactic to attract more customers during the initial stage of your eCommerce journey. You can offer discounts on your specific products and provide a coupon code to your customers. Apart from that, an offer of free shipping on a minimum order can also put the ball in your court. Apart from that, you can offer them a free product by ordering any specific one to increase your revenue and attract more customers. This marketing strategy always works because customers always like to buy something that comes with an offer.

Always keep a Check on Competitors

You should not underestimate your competitors’ capabilities to justify your struggle in establishing your brand and generating revenue. That is why it is vital to always keep a check on your competitors’ strategies and plans. Analyzing the weaknesses and strengths of their products can help you improve your products’ quality and services. This strategy can help you stay competitive in the market and drive impeccable revenue growth. A competitor tracking tool such as etraKY BS can help you tremendously with this.

Apart from these points mentioned above, you can also send newsletters and press releases to increase your brand awareness. You can also send sample products to your customers to attract their attention. For example, a beauty brand, Plum, is currently offering sample products to its customers to make their market presence. Customers will never deny taking the sample products because they also prefer trying new ones. So once they like the sample, they can order the product later.


When it comes to selling products on eCommerce platforms, you will require a solid customer base to generate more and more revenue. To focus on attracting new customers and keeping your existing customers with you. So if you have the budget, you must come along with the marketing tactics that offer tremendous benefits with a bit of investment. You can even start your marketing strategy by posting blogs on social media regarding your products. It can be a better way to start marketing your online products. More than everything, you need to understand that all your marketing strategies will work when your products can benefit your customers.

So firstly, you must have clarity on this; everything will work accordingly. After quality, the presentation of the products also matters a lot in the eCommerce industry. Hence, in this regard, you can take the help of any listing quality analytics software such as etraKY BS. It can help you add specific descriptions, titles, images, and videos while listing your products. In this way, you can represent your product outstandingly on any eCommerce platform.

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Get on the Instagram Explorer Page for Brand Enhancement!

No one can deny the fact that social media has the immense potential to attract customers to anything. Instagram is the most popular and trending platform worldwide among all the prominent social media platforms. In the current scenario, almost every business is taking the help of this loving platform to flourish their business. As an eCommerce brand, to expand your online presence and drive brand awareness today and beyond, you may require to take advantage of Instagram and its explore page.

Since every age group is using Instagram, it increases your chance to entice more and more customers to your online brand. Getting on the Instagram explore page can be a fantastic way to provide maximum exposure to your brand. It can help you to magnify your brand awareness among an enormous number of potential customers. The explore page of this social media platform can help enhance your overall business and magnificently increase your revenue. You may attain splendid results through Instagram with a great strategy and plan. Today, this special edition of our blog will introduce you to the Instagram explore page, and you will learn how it can be an excellent support for your brand.

An Understanding About Instagram Explore Page

The Instagram explore page is an assortment of content based on customers’ importance. An explore page is a compilation of attractive pictures, reels, videos, and stories. This enormous social media platform administrates the content on its explore page according to the interest of every customer. One can visit the explore page by clicking on the search bar of the Instagram page. Through the search bar, a customer can search for anything by inserting relevant keywords and tags. It helps the customers with their specific searches. Hence, as a brand, you can use this page to let your brand appear in the searches and gain tremendous customer attention. It can give you an overview of what customers want based on their searches.


Fascinating Tips to Get on the Instagram Explore Page


Post Innovative Reels

Ever since TikTok got banned in India, Instagram has provided this facility to its users. Nowadays, Instagram reels dominate entire social media activities. Customers or users spend maximum hours on this platform scrolling to the reels. It helps every individual business reach out to the maximum number of customers. If you are still not promoting your brand on this platform and taking advantage of reels, let me tell you that you may miss out on tremendous customer engagement opportunities. Innovative and engaging content with accurate and relevant hashtags is enough to accomplish this business strategy successfully. On Instagram, you can create 15, 30, 60, and 90 seconds reels with trending music, or if you want, you can add original audio as well.

Add Relevant Hashtags

Instagram hashtags are the essential factor that lets the Instagram algorithm work correctly. Hashtags are a combination of words, numbers, symbols, and emojis. It is crucial to add trending and relevant hashtags to each of your Instagram posts, whether it is in the form of a picture, video, reel, or story. It enables a better understanding of the Instagram algorithm to categorize your content. Using hashtags can let your brand appear on the explore page among millions of new customers. For instance, if you are a beauty brand, you can use hashtags with your brand name, significant features, ingredients, etc. While adding hashtags to your content Instagram will provide you with the top most trending hashtags suggestions relevant to your brands. You can also use them to increase your brand awareness.

Apply a Call to Action

Customers’ engagement is the most vital factor to getting on the explore page. However, to increase the engagement rate, you can add a call to action with each of your content. Some statements such as “follow us for more,” “visit our page to get connected,” “View our story to know more,” and “click on the link to visit the website” can provide you with more engagement. Apart from this, you enhance customer engagement by responding to their queries in the comments section. This practice can help in building a loyal customer base for your brand.

Consistency in Posting Content

For the successful implementation of the points as mentioned above, you may require to post content on your Instagram page constantly. Consistency should be maintained in terms of enchanting more success. The maximum number of posts will allow Instagram to display your brand on the explore page. You may require to fix your timings of posting reels, videos, pictures, and even stories on this profound social media platform. Four to five different posts on a daily basis may let you achieve your goal and ultimately increase your customer base and revenue. To make this practice successful, you have to analyze the customer’s behavior first, and then you can fix your timings to publish your content. It may vary for every location in India.

Incredible Benefits of Getting on Instagram Explore page

One of the most captivating benefits of getting on the Instagram explore page is to attract immense traffic to your source eCommerce product page or the website.

  • It helps upgrade your brand awareness and make your brand popular among potential customers.
  • You can increase your followers on your Instagram page by appearing on explore.
  • Provides extreme visibility to your branded products. Although to increase the product visibility on eCommerce websites, you can use listing quality analysis software like etraKY BS. It can help you to attract more eyes to marketplaces.
  • Instagram Explore page can eventually help you in increasing your sales and revenue.

Currently, Instagram has more than 180 million customers in India. These statistics are surprising but satisfactory for brands because you can pitch your brand among this number of customers. That is why it is effectively essential to get on Instagram explore page and connect to all the customers using Instagram. Nowadays, businesses use this platform to sell their products directly to customers. So you can even create a shopping page on Instagram to increase your sales rapidly.


Thus, it can be a great way to intensify your eCommerce marketplace sales by getting on Instagram explore page. You can use this social media platform to establish your business tremendously on multiple eComm channels such as Amazon, Myntra, Flipkart, and others. In case it is challenging for you to even sell your products accurately on marketplaces, you can take the help of etraKY BS. It can help you in increasing your product visibility on several platforms. However, if we talk about the Instagram explore page, it is not rocket science; an appropriate and innovative combination of content, hashtags, and timing can let you attain all its benefits. A better approach and understanding of customers’ preferences and demands is all you need to let your eCommerce brand flourish splendidly.

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Five Reasons for Cart Abandonment & How to Provide Checkout Confidence to Your Customers!

The eCommerce industry is an accumulation of benefits and losses. It depends on you what aspect you are choosing for your business. To become a successful eCommerce business entrepreneur, knowing about every little factor is essential. One of the significant aspects is cart abandonment. When an online customer visits a marketplace and adds the products to their cart but disappears without making the final checkout process, it creates the situation of cart abandonment.

To increase your sales as well as your revenue, it is crucial to monitor the reasons behind cart abandonment. According to a recent survey, eCommerce businesses lose over 65% of sales because of cart abandonment. It drastically affects your brand’s credibility and reputation at various levels. However, if you find out the significant reasons behind this, you will be able to minimize this percentage effectively. In this particular blog, we have mentioned some of the reasons that lead to the abandonment of carts. It can help you in providing checkout confidence to your potential customers.

Reasons Behind Cart Abandonment in Online Business

Before taking essential steps toward minimizing the cart abandonment rate, it is imperative to know the reasons behind it. Your time and effort can vanish if a customer abandons the cart without completing the checkout process. Here we are mentioning some of the specific reasons that may clear the air and make you understand why it happens most of the time.

Unexpected Additional Charges

One of the most common reasons behind cart abandonment is additional charges that get added at the time of final checkout. At this time, customers may change their shopping decisions and abandon the cart immediately. During the checkout process, along with the product’s actual price, marketplaces also add the shipping, delivery, and other charges. It highly affects the product’s actual price and makes the customer rethink before making the purchase. It immensely affects the customers’ satisfaction level if their charges are hidden.

The ultimate solution is to provide every detail of each charge that is to be added to the products. In this way, they can completely understand the charges they will pay, which may help minimize the cart abandonment rate.

Compulsory Account Creation

A new customer can not make a purchase without an authenticated profile on prominent eCommerce platforms such as Amazon, Flipkart, Myntra, etc. Sometimes customers don’t want to spend their time on such a process, which is also a reason behind the increasing cart abandonment rate. To deal with this situation, marketplaces should never force the customer to create an account, and instead, they should provide guest checkout options. As a brand, you must keep this in mind if you plan to create your own online shopping portal.

In terms of collecting customers’ personal information, such as their contact number, email address, and delivery address, ask these questions after they make a purchase. Every upcoming eCommerce brand is establishing its business with this tactic. To resolve this problem, you can also sell your products on websites that provide the option of guest checkout as well.

Limited Payment Options

A customer may abandon the shopping cart if they don’t find a suitable payment method. Although we live in a digitalized world, many still only understand the language of cash. Hence there must be an option for a cash-on-delivery. Most customers prefer to pay the amount at the time of order delivery. So along with the credit, debit, UPI, and wallet payment options, there must also be the option of COD. You need to understand the fact that customers don’t develop trust quickly if they do not hear about you. This can be the reason why they abandon the cart in case of the unavailability of cash on the delivery option.

Poor Stock Management

Suppose a customer adds a product to their cart, but the item gets out of stock during the final checkout process; what do you think it leads towards? Of course, it increases the cart abandonment rate. Thus, poor stock management can also be the reason for this devastating situation.
So you need always to keep an eye on your stock to decrease the cart abandonment rate in the future.

Now the question is, how is it possible to watchdog your stock 24×7? Well, at this point, you need to take the help of a robust stock analysis software such as etraKY BS. It provides you with real-time notifications along with a stock analysis report. In this way, you will be able to get clarity on your stock and never miss a chance to dissatisfy your customers. This software alerts you whenever a product gets out of stock and gets back in stock.

Not Maintaining the Price Hygiene

It can be another reason for the increasing cart abandonment rate in the eCommerce industry. You must know that based on recent research, it has been found that approximately 75% of customers compare the price of the product on various eCommerce sites before taking the final checkout step. Customers never want to pay extra for a product if they find it at a lower price somewhere else.

In this scenario, sellers or brands need to monitor the prices of their competitors. But this task may consume a lot of time or may potentially take up your whole day. A more sensible solution is acquiring price tracking software such as etraKY BS. It can also help you track the historical data to understand your customers’ changing preferences. So, by maintaining the price hygiene across the channels, you can somehow minimize the cart abandonment rate.


Now, you must have got an idea about the various reasons for the cart abandonment. You may follow the above-mentioned solution to provide checkout confidence to your customers. You may also focus on other vital elements that can help reduce the cart abandonment rate, such as inaccurate return policy, complicated checkout process, delayed shipping and delivery options, payment insecurity, lack of customer support, etc. However, you can effectively diminish these issues by implementing best practices for a hassle-free checkout process. Some significant issues such as maintaining the price hygiene and stock unavailability can get resolved with the help of powerful brand analytics software such as etraKY BS.

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A Complete Guide to Amazon FBA Onsite, Including its Benefits!

Over the past few years, the gigantic eCommerce platform Amazon has done remarkably well to upgrade its market share in the emerging eCommerce industry. Because of its effective seller-centric programs, such as FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) and SFP (Seller fulfilled prime), millions of sellers from different countries of the world joined this platform to reach out to a broader range of customers. In 2018, Amazon introduced FBA onsite, especially for its third-party sellers looking for a pocket-friendly way to use FBA logistics service without any storage fees.

The Ultimate Goal of this Amazon program is to consolidate shipping and delivery services for sellers while also convincing others to use this quintessential service of Amazon. As an Amazon seller, if you also find it challenging to pay the FBA fees, you can opt for FBA onsite. In this particular blog, you will get to know about FBA onsite along with its benefits. You will know how to take advantage of this service and make it a more profitable service for yourself. What are we waiting for? Let’s go in and find out the basics about FBA onsite that you must know are?

What is Amazon FBA Onsite?

FBA Onsite is a slightly more simplified and upgraded version of the Amazon SFP program. It is an attempt by Amazon to get aboard more sellers who prefer to pay a minimum fulfillment fee. FBA onsite was created for sellers who have previously ignored the Amazon FBA service because of the massive changes. As a seller, you must know that the FBA onsite program is a warehouse management solution that diminishes the storage fees, decreases overhead costs, and improves the delivery experience by resolving the shipping issues.

How to Attain the Amazon FBA Onsite Service?

The FBA onsite program is based on invite only. There are no such rules that you have to follow to take advantage of this service. If you have been selling your products on Amazon for a very long time and have a solid customer base, and there are no complaints regarding your orders, Amazon can probably send you an invite for FBA onsite service. For this compelling service, Amazon also considers those who have their own warehouse. Clearly, we can say that this beneficial program is not for newcomers but for the established brands and sellers.

This program is for multichannel sellers or brands selling their products on various eCommerce sites. The real target of this program is sellers who may be keeping a few of their inventories outside of Amazon due to cost and are only offering Amazon Prime customers part of their entire product portfolio. You can say that the overall drive is to get more products eligible for Prime. Although there are no such specific criteria for FBA Onsite, here we are mentioning some of the best practices that can help you in receiving an invitation for this individual program.

  • Pack all your order units before the shipment date.
  • On time shipment and the accuracy should not be less than 99%.
  • There should not be more than 1% of the cancellation rate.

Accuracy in these three factors are really essential for attaining the FBA Onsite program.


How Does Amazon FBA Onsite Work?

In this individual program of Amazon FBA, Amazon tends to ship products to customers directly from a seller’s or brand’s warehouse. Once you enroll in this program, you can invite Amazon executives to determine your warehouse and ask them to set up an “Amazon node.” Amazon node basically refers to a specific warehouse area dedicated to FBA where Amazon executives can come and collect products and ship them to your customers.

In the FBA Onsite program, Amazon does not take care of your stocks, you need to manage to own your own. If you want to escape the situation of Oos (out-of-stock), you can get along with stock track reports software such as etraKY BS. To enroll in this program, you can choose the seller fulfilled program; it can become easier for you to store and ship the products on your own. FBA onsite program effectively helps you select an existing carrier that will deliver the product to the customer on time. This essential program can minimize the hassle of selecting a third-party delivery provider for your orders.

What is the Amazon SFP Program?

To better understand Amazon FBA, it is essential to know about Amazon’s SFP program. SFP refers to Seller Fulfilled Prime; it is one of Amazon’s tremendous order fulfillment programs to implement high-volume sellers to sell their products under the Prime label and ship orders within two days to its customers. This program was launched in 2015 to fasten the order fulfillment process. Now the question is how it is related to the FBA onsite program. Well, if you are already a member of the SFP program, it can increase your chances of getting an invite from Amazon for the FBA onsite program.

What are the Benefits of the FBA Onsite Program?

Here we are mentioning some of the compelling benefits of the Amazon FBA Onsite program that can help you to understand its importance in a better way.

  • Amazon’s FBA Onsite program can save time and money by using FBA services just to pick up the orders and deliver them to your valuable customers.
  • FBA Onsite minimizes the need to store your products at Amazon’s warehouses. It automatically cuts the shipment charges and fastens the delivery process.
  • Getting enrolled in the FBA Onsite program minimizes the stress of product delivery. It will be Amazon’s responsibility to deliver your products in the minimum time.
  • Amazon itself selects its logistic partner or third-party delivery services to deliver the product as soon as possible quickly.
  • Reducing the need for warehouse storage automatically removes the storage charges.
  • According to Amazon, it abolishes shipping costs by more than 65%.
  • It gives you more control over your stocks and makes it easier to restock or remove any product from the stock.
  • As an Amazon FBA Onsite seller, it allows you to access the other services of Amazon, such as PRIME, subscribe and save, etc.

Apart from all the benefits, it will be best if you consider that FBA Onsite is much faster, simpler, and cheaper than any other current program of Amazon.


Thus, if you are an experienced seller owning a warehouse and serving a massive number of customers, you can get an invite from Amazon for getting enrolled in their FBA Onsite program. In this way, Amazon has cleverly resolved its problem of warehouse overloading by empowering the sellers and brands to manage their stocks in a better way. Apart from that, it is quite a benefit for you as well because it saves your essential time and money and efficiently boosts your sales. As a seller or a brand, if you are struggling on delivery fronts, FBA onsite can resolve your problem.

However, getting an invite from Amazon for this program is not easy, and neither can you apply for it. All you can do is deliver a great shopping experience to your customers and expand your business to the next level. As we have mentioned in the above paragraphs, Amazon prefers to provide this service to those who have a great hold on this eCommerce business and are dealing on a larger scale. So, it should be your ultimate goal if you want to take advantage of the FBA onsite program. It will be best if you concentrate on making your business more powerful than ever. That is the only way that may lead you to attain this exceptional program of Amazon.

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How to Set Price of Your Amazon Products to Increase Profitability!

Whether it is eCommerce or any other business, everyone has the only ultimate goal to generate as many sales as possible. Specifically, in the eCommerce industry, various factors influence a customer to buy your product, such as product reviews, images, descriptions, and pricing. Pricing is a crucial factor affecting the customer’s shopping decisions. That is why to reach the buy box section on Amazon; it is necessary to implement a robust pricing strategy.

A solid pricing strategy doesn’t mean that the price of your products needs to be too low or too high. The primary motive behind this is to implement pricing strategies that can attract your customers and add value to your business. In the enormous world of eCommerce, where customers have thousands of product choices, the price can prove to be a deal-breaker for you. According to a recent survey, only a few percent of customers do their research before buying a product online. A significant number of customers do the pricing search by visiting various eCommerce platforms. They usually visit the other platforms to compare the price of the product they want to buy. Pricing is one of the essential aspects of etraKY’S SCRAP model, and you can click here to know more about it in detail.

In this particular blog, we have mentioned some essential factors that can help you implement a decent pricing strategy for your Amazon products.

Spectacular Ways to Set Up the Price for Your Amazon Products

Before setting up a price for your Amazon products, you must go through several calculations to help you implement an intelligent pricing strategy.

Calculate all the Costs and Fees

Before deciding on your products’ selling price, you must find your overall cost. The actual cost of a product involves a lot of factors that need to be considered at the time of setting up a selling price of the product. To calculate total costs, you need to consider the following:

  • In order to determine the total manufacturing cost of the product, you need to assess the cost of the raw materials used to manufacture the product, such as clothes, plastic, fiber, wood, metals, etc.
  • Find out the actual cost you spend on storing the products in a warehouse. You must also calculate this price if you are an Amazon seller using the FBA(Fulfillment by Amazon) service.
  • Figure out the shipping charges you need to pay to move your products from the manufacturers to the warehouse and then deliver them to the customers.
  • Evaluate the price of the ad campaigns you run to promote your products.
  • Calculate the return fee by analyzing all the profit margins that you have lost because of the return, including the 20% return charge that Amazon keeps a commission on returned products.

Hence, before fixing the actual selling price of the product, you must figure out all these charges involved in selling your product on Amazon. All these calculations can help you set up an accurate profit margin on every product sold. Apart from that, you can also get along with a product price analysis software such as etraKY BS. It can provide you with the necessary information regarding your competitor’s price and then help you to set a great price for your product.

Get to Know Your Customers

Knowing your customers appropriately can also help you set a reasonable price for your Amazon products. To increase your profitability, it is essential to read the mind of your customers and know what they consider before buying any product on Amazon. To understand them, you can go through the review and rating section. Here you can find helpful information such as complaints about the products and the other preferences of the customers. Most customers prefer to buy products at a lower price, so you need to apply some tactics in such a scenario. Suppose if your product costs rs200, you can set it for rs199. It can make them think that they are buying a product from the range between 100-200. Analyzing the customers’ minds can also help you set up the price of your upcoming products.

Analyze the Pricing Strategy of Your Competitors

The eCommerce marketplaces are pretty competitive when it comes to pricing. Remember, you are not the only one in the market; many others are selling similar products as you. To make your Amazon business more profitable than ever, you must analyze your competitors’ pricing strategies. Search for similar products on Amazon and find your competitors. It can be a crucial process, especially if you are a new seller or brand in the industry. Find out your competitors’ prices and then set a reasonable price for your products.

However, if there are customers who prefer to buy low price products, then the customers who prefer to buy a quality product at a decent price also exists. So, keeping all these factors in mind, you can successfully set up an original price for your product. In this regard, you can also take the help of competitor price tracking software such as etraKY BS. It can provide you the visibility of your competitors from various channels in a single panel. It can help you analyze your competitors’ pricing strategies more effectively.

Take the Help of the Automated Pricing Tool

If you sell products on Amazon, you must know that you must win the buy box section to increase your sales robustly. The majority of customers want to buy a product at a lower price. So there are more chances that the lowest product price of any category may win the buy box. Now the problem is how will you get to know the lowest price of any product? At Amazon, you can take advantage of the automated pricing tool that can automatically set up a reasonable price for your product depending on the changes in prices of your competitors.

It can help you be competitive and win the buy box. You can use this advanced service of Amazon before setting up a decent price for your products. This tool can save you time every time you spend evaluating your competitors’ prices.


In such a way, you can also implement the strategies mentioned above to set up an accurate price for your Amazon products. Setting up decent product pricing may take time, but spending the required time on this aspect of your business is highly recommended. Pricing can be one of the reasons if you are missing out on obtaining a higher profit margin. All your efforts can be unsuccessful if you cannot set an advanced pricing strategy for all your products. That is why it is essential to gain customer insights, competitors’ pricing strategies, and the calculator of the overall cost of a product.

All these factors can help you fix your product’s selling price. If you are still ignoring this essential aspect of the eCommerce business, it can be the reason for your business’s failure. So before anything else you must focus on setting up dynamic pricing for your Amazon products. At last, we would like to suggest that instead of taking the service of Amazon’s automated pricing tool, you should go for etraKY BS. It can help you in many ways, from analyzing your competitor’s pricing to helping in maintaining price hygiene across the channels.

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Must Add Value Added Services to Intensify Post Purchase Experience!

The unpredictable eCommerce industry is changing its strategies to customers’ demands. Most brands and sellers focus more on the fundamental steps of selling their products to meet the customer’s requirements and make it a worthwhile investment. But many of you may overlook that to make this online business a successful affair, you need to divert your focus on the post-purchase experience of customers as well.

It can be an essential step for your eCommerce business journey to help you build brand credibility and customer loyalty. As you know, this industry is quite competitive, and the competition is getting more intense. To survive in such a competitive environment, you can not afford to forget your customers after the sale. To maintain the sales flow, you need to remember every customer to make them repurchase your products. Additionally, they can become your brand advocates. In this regard, the traditional selling method will not work; you must add some value-added services to delight your customers and ensure their return. Here in this blog, we have mentioned some of the value-added services that can intensify the post-purchase experience of your customers. So what are we waiting for? Let’s get in and find out what these services are that you can provide to your customers.

A Better Understanding of Value Added Services

In the eCommerce industry, value-added services add several values and attractive points to customers’ shopping experience. These points can keep your customers engaged with your products and services and resolve their queries instantly. It can help drive more sales and make your presence remarkable at the various marketplaces. You can attain the customer’s loyalty and make a robust connection with them. If you are still thinking about what are those value-added services you should add, read out the following points.

Fantastic Four Value Added Services to Delight Your Customers

Offer Product Warranty/ Product Protection

In terms of providing value-added services to your customers, you need to offer them a product with a warranty period. These days many prominent sellers and brands offer this facility on their signature products. Now is the time for you to offer this value-added service to your customers and let them sit back and enjoy the features of your products. It assures the customers that they have made the right purchasing decisions.

Product warranty provides customers peace of mind that in case of any issues with the product, they can get it fixed without paying an amount. You can offer repair and replacement on certain items through this specific service. It can help you drive high customer satisfaction. It can be an excellent choice to get back your valuable customers. It is quite understandable that if you can resolve the pain areas of your customers, then nothing can stop them from coming back and buying another product from you.

Apart from this, you can also offer product protection on products such as mobile phones, televisions, and other electronic items. A protection plan comes with unique techniques to save the product from any upcoming mishappenings. If a customer spends a maximum amount on any particular product, they can also spend a minimum amount on protecting that item from breakage or other factors.

Offer a Hassle-Free Refund & Return Process

Some brands and sellers do exist that hide their “return and refund” policies from their customers. Well, if you think this strategy can reduce the return rates, you are absolutely wrong. To gain customer loyalty and intensify the post-purchase experience, you must be open about your return and refund policies. It can help your online business win the trust of your valuable customers. It will help if you are not afraid of the returns. If customers are not happy with your product, they will surely go for a return.

Believe it or not, this is the fundamental element of a delightful post-purchase shopping experience. To make it a hassle-free process, you can contact your logistics partner to understand if they can manage your anticipated return volume. Apart from that, to provide clarity on this, you must add the policies on your product page.

Focus More on Getting Feedback/ Review

Asking for customer feedback or reviews post-purchase can help you build a trustworthy relationship. Positive reviews can add more value to your online business. It can make customers more confident while buying your product. Reviews and feedback matter a lot if you are in an eCommerce business. It can help the customers to know more about your product and later let them buy one. According to a recent survey, more than 65% of customers are influenced by reviews and read them before purchasing.

So without further ado, you should always encourage your customers to leave their valuable feedback. It can work in two ways; first, your current customer may think you care about their thoughts, and second, it can help you attract new customers. You can leave a sweet note with each order and ask your customers to leave their reviews. Apart from that, if you are the one who is not good at managing your reviews, you can take the help of several review management software such as etraKY BS. It can help you manage all the reviews from various channels in one panel.

Provide Personalized Post Shopping Experience

We all like to get pampered, whether it is me, you, or someone else. Providing a personalized post-shopping experience to your customers can let them more connect with you. It can be an outstanding value-added service to intensify the post-purchase experience. To implement this process, you can simply send them notifications regarding the upcoming products and offers.

You can also pamper them by letting them know about the date of upcoming sales as well. Apart from this, if you have some regular customers who buy the same products every month, you can send them alerts that they should re-order the product as it can get out of stock soon. It can let your customers make a quick purchase and add more revenue to your business. Customers can also spread their word, and it can also help you in increasing your sales rapidly.


Hence, these are several value-added services that you can implement with your business and intensify the post-purchase shopping experience. This way, customers can get attached to your services and keep returning to your online business. It is effortless for your competitors to fetch your customers towards them. But these services can never let your customers visit your competitor’s product page.

If you can provide phenomenal value-added services, nothing can stop your customers from revisiting you.If you are ready to invest in value-added services as a brand or a seller, you can establish a remarkable position in the market. It can increase sales, enhance your brand’s credibility, and nurture your overall business.

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