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Amazon Ranking Tips to Upsurge Your Sales!

As a massive venture in the eCommerce industry, Amazon never wants to disappoint its customers on any terms. They always look forward to providing an excellent customer experience. There are so many factors that Amazon prefers in terms of holding its remarkable reputation in the market. This extensive eCommerce channel works as a chain between customers and sellers. Its ultimate goal is to connect them with relevant products as quickly as possible. To do so, Amazon uses its own search algorithm, which is designed by A9, a subsidiary company of Amazon. Using the A9 algorithm can be a free and dynamic way to upsurge organic search and improve your overall sales.

You can do it by implementing search engine optimization(SEO). When it comes to SEO, most of us only think of Google SEO, but you need to understand that there is something called Amazon SEO if you want your customers to recognize your products more effectively. However, with the help of some crucial analysis and strategies, you can make your products appear in Amazon’s search results. If you are an old seller and still unable to get the recognition on Amazon, then this indicates that you are missing out on A9 algorithms. Customers must find your product page if you sell products on this gigantic platform. If it does not appear in search results, this blog is just for you. Here you will know the importance of the Amazon ranking algorithm and how it works.

What is Amazon Ranking Algorithm, and How Does it Work

As we have mentioned above, the Amazon ranking algorithm is designed by the sub-company of Amazon, which is known as A9. Building an empire is not easy, but Amazon has completely changed this perception. It has changed the destiny of the eCommerce industry by providing a spectacular customer experience. It smartly analyzes several distinctive pieces of information to determine which product appears at the top of search results. Here are some of the essential information that the A9 algorithm examines when determining the product rankings:

  • If you have used any keywords with your products or not during listing them on Amazon.
  • Whether or not your products are selling well, it analyzes your sales conversion.
  • Customer reviews also matter; they analyze whether your customers are happy with your products.
  • A9 algorithm analyzes your historical performance and whether you have any record of sustainable sales.
  • It also examines your delivery time and whether your customers received their products on time or not.
  • The algorithm also examines the price of your products.
    Thus, Amazon’s ranking algorithm considers many criteria to regulate who appears on the first page of a search, which is definitely a worthwhile place to be. In such a way, more people will see your products, and you will be more likely to win the buy box.

Essential Factors That Can Increase Your Amazon Rankings

Since you are an Amazon seller, you need to increase your rankings on this platform. It can help you immensely in selling your products accurately and smartly. Customers will be able to find your products, and they can order yours’ instead of your competitors. So let’s see how those essential factors can help you increase your Amazon rankings.

Product Title Plays an Important Role

In the process of increasing your rankings on Amazon, you should focus on deciding your product title. This is probably the most critical factor for Amazon SEO. In the product title, you need to include the most relevant keywords for the product. Here we have mentioned some practical suggestions that can help you improve your product title and automatically increase your’ Amazon rankings.

  • Add your brand’s name to the title.
  • Include the nature of your product.
  • Incorporate the details about your product.
  • You must add on the color, width, and size.
  • Do mention the material or ingredient of your product.
  • You can also add on some of the specifications.

However, you are not supposed to do the keyword stuffing in the title, as it can affect your Amazon rankings. As similar as Google, Amazon also constantly avoids keyword stuffing. So it is better to avoid doing that; otherwise, your wise Amazon algorithm will not pick your product. Apart from that, you can also use brand analytics tools such as etraKY BS to improve your product title. It can let you know if anything related to the product title area does not satisfy the Amazon listing quality score.

Use Backend Keywords in Amazon Seller Account

Most of you may not be aware of the fact that backend keywords also affect your Amazon rankings. These keywords are essentially hidden keywords and can be used in the backend section of your Amazon seller account. These keywords generally instruct the A9 algorithm that the specific product listing on the channel is mainly targeting keywords. You must consider backend keywords if you want your product to get notified by the A9 algorithm for Amazon rankings. Backend keywords should be added as meta tags, and you must fill out the five essential fields. Each line should be limited to a maximum of 50 characters. Remember that you are not allowed to exceed the limit; otherwise, Amazon will not be able to index your backend keywords. Here we mention some important rules you should follow while filling out the backend keyword field.

  • It will help if you do not repeat the keywords.
  • Avoid adding quotation marks, as it can reduce the overall character count.
  • Do ignore commas.
  • You must ignore using too many synonyms of the same keyword.
  • You can use spelling variations.

Make Your Product Description Readable

The product description of your specific product also plays an essential role in increasing your Amazon rankings. It should be readable, spontaneous, and convincing from a sales perspective. To follow that, you should add several bullet points with the description. It informs your potential customers about the product in an elaborate manner. You must focus on adding detailed, informative, and easy-to-read points. In the description as well, you need to add relevant keywords too. It will relate to expected customers and provides the SEO benefit of adding your keywords. Bullet points are elementary, as they can catch the customers’ eye on some of the specific features of your products. Along with the features, you can also add the product’s benefits in the description.


Reviews & Ratings are the Game Changer

Amazon’s reviews and ratings are also crucial factors that the A9 algorithm considers in the process of increasing your rankings on this platform. Usually, products that rank on the first page of Amazon have a quality review than others that fall beneath. You can understand from this that having a maximum number of reviews affects the click-through rates and eventually upsurges the overall sales that affect the product ranking. In this regard, you must work on getting more and more reviews from your valuable customers. You can send them a follow-up email or message on WhatsApp, asking them to leave their feedback. If you have negative reviews, you must look into the issues with your products and fix them as soon as possible. You can take the help of Amazon seller software such as etraKY BS to manage your reviews precisely. In this regard, you can also take the help of our entirely new refreshing eCommerce strategy called SCRAP.


Winning Amazon’s ranking is all about understanding what Amazon’s A9 algorithm has the expectations from you as a brand or a seller. There are various ways to optimize your Amazon product page and meet its algorithm’s expectations to achieve a decent ranking. Consiering the points mentioned above can effectively help you in this regard. Apart from that, you can take advantage of etraKY BS as a listing quality analytics software. It can help you in enhancing your listings and notifies you to add relevant keywords where it is necessary to add.

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